Rédactions d'Ecclestone Law Professional Corporation Société Professionnelle (REMARQUE : toutes les rédactions sont écrites en anglais)

The problems with our courts and how to fix them - A critical working paper on the topic of the problems plaguing our courts, (making them expensive and slow), and offering suggestions as to how to change them for the better. As this is a working paper, its content will likely change from time to time.
The Emperor's Vote - an examination of the constitutional validity of the current federal and Ontario electoral boundary adjustment systems. (2003)

Is there a Constitutionally Valid Bar to Same Sex Marriages in Canada? - explores whether there is or can be a Constitutionally valid bar to same sex marriages in Canada. (2003)

Where would be we without Section 43? - an examination of what would happen if s.43 of the Criminal Code of Canada were either repealed or struck down following a Constitutional challenge to its validity (2003)

Ontario Superior Court of Justice Procedural Chart - A reference chart designed to assist in determining which statute or Rule of Civil Procedure applies at each step in an action in the Superior Court of Justice before, during and after trial. (the first version of this chart was origfinally received as part of course materials in civil litigation , but was later updated by Chris Ecclestone - caution - this chart has not recently updated - for reference only)

Rédactions des autres avocats

Written Submissions regarding Legal Aid funding by Charles O. Spettigue

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Mis à jour le 09 Août 2019